I call this the Money Shot...because this is what $3,000 in Medication Looks like. No good IVF Blog wouold be right with out the gratuitous "Meds picture".
Well, so yesterday's appointment went VERY well. Nurse Ratchet and I made up. She has given me the green light to start my stim meds! I start this Saturday, go back for stim check on July 3rd, back again July 6th. And retrieval is somewhere between July 8th-10th. That is like 2 weeks away! I freaked out a little thinking about just how close I am to what I have DREAMED of for so long! So many emotions. Scared, excited. I am trying to keep my composure and not jump ahead of myself. Concentrate on today and not 2 weeks from now. Take it as it comes and not jump ahead. It feels so real right now, and that is more than I have had in last 4 years! I am cautiously hopeful.
And our deal is if this does not work I get a puppy and he gets a house boat. We will drowned our sorrows in material things. Well, sort of I will get to breed Goldens. So just in case I have already started looking at Golden Retrievers in the area.
A mother of two..
9 years ago
I am wishing you the best of luck. I'll be thinking about you often over the next couple of weeks and can't wait to hear the update. I am not sure what it is, because your blog isn't OVERLY descriptive, but something about all of your posts makes me so emotional. I think I'm just really happy for you and want this to go flawlessly for you.